Once again we come to this time of year
Where people hear all the merriment and cheer
But not all see this day
Some never wake from whence they lay
Cold and frozen there
Whilst we sit inside without a worry to bare
Without shelter or hovel
Left out in the streets to grovel
Some caught up in the thick of war
Left without a christmas boar
Some off fighting for us to be free
Away from their loved ones glee
Death still runs rife on this day of joy
Sparing no man or boy
So think about them this christmas whilst you celebrate
For they find this day not great
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Update on the squids life
Well its been a while since my last little rant so I figure its time to fill you readers in on my life. Let me start by saying that it is making me wonder what the fuck is wrong with people whilst making me extaticly happy. First off we'll have my friend who can't really afford any more stress at this moment, so what does her boyfriend (of 6 chances) do, he cheats on her, then we come to the fact that people just seem to be assholes anyway in this world. Now we'll come to the reason I'm so happy. I finally got over the last one (refer to "Utter Fucking Loon?" if you need info on that one) and started going out with another person. Lets just say that this seems to be the best mood I have ever been in, even though at this moment i miss her like hell I know she is in her bed dreaming of me and wishing I was there. Not to jinx myself but I can see this one really working out. Another thing that makes me happy is that I have patched things up with the last ex and am now friends with her again. That and how many people get to celebrate christams twice in one year? For once I'll leave this post short for you all so as it doesn't take too long to read. May you all find your ones and live like the squid (although not actually live like the squid)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Lets go burn the innocent (A history lesson)
Yes thats right I will be talkingabout my least loved period of history, "THE INQUISITION"!!! It was a time of uneasyness these inquisitorial times, and the catholic church was lacking in strength. This was because all the villagers could not get to church to have the sermons shoved down their throats most of the time, or they were worshippers of the land, not what they saw to be a false god. Now along comes one bright person who says "Why not just go out, kill and torture those that don't follow our ways" so guess what they did people, they went out and did exactly that. It started with the pagans who "by beliving in the land and not god where sinning and consorting with the devil" those that didn't convert were slain usually on the spot, so as to deter any others from doing the same and diminishing the churches already low attendance. Then we come to the witches, oh what a broken subject this is. A witch was usually a woman who spoke out against the church, which in the churches eyes means consorting with the devil, they even burnt female healers because they didn't understand how their work was done so it must not be a way of god. Now these people had it worst off of all they got the worst example made out of them with the witch tests, most of which would not be survived by even a normal human. I will name two of them here:
Drowning method: Tie you up and throw you in the river with rocks. If you float your a witch and will be burnt on the stake, if you sink you are pure of soul and will go straight to heaven after you drown
Branding method: You must walk ten paces (metred and measured by the local priest) whilst holding a red hot iron bar. If you dropped the bar or stepped out of sync with the preists wishes you had to start again. Once you had completed this your hand was not dissinfected or helped in anyway, but just bandaged up tight and marked with the clergies seal so as it will be known if it has been tampered with. You had a week for the septic wound to heal, if it didn't you were taking the the stake again.
Now to clear up a few things about symbology during this time:
The pentagram is how the catholic church placed the pagans(true meaning is village folk) pentacle and anyone who was under it was a shaitanist, which over the centuries came to be called satanism.
Well children this little history lesson has been fun so I'll let you get back to your daily lives, but before I do I must note that this is my view of history and I speak for no others in the matter.
Squid out
Drowning method: Tie you up and throw you in the river with rocks. If you float your a witch and will be burnt on the stake, if you sink you are pure of soul and will go straight to heaven after you drown
Branding method: You must walk ten paces (metred and measured by the local priest) whilst holding a red hot iron bar. If you dropped the bar or stepped out of sync with the preists wishes you had to start again. Once you had completed this your hand was not dissinfected or helped in anyway, but just bandaged up tight and marked with the clergies seal so as it will be known if it has been tampered with. You had a week for the septic wound to heal, if it didn't you were taking the the stake again.
Now to clear up a few things about symbology during this time:
The pentagram is how the catholic church placed the pagans(true meaning is village folk) pentacle and anyone who was under it was a shaitanist, which over the centuries came to be called satanism.
Well children this little history lesson has been fun so I'll let you get back to your daily lives, but before I do I must note that this is my view of history and I speak for no others in the matter.
Squid out
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
What makes you fight and think your the best thing in the world?
I'll tell you what alcohol and religion, but as I have nothing against alcohol you know what this rant will be about. Also this will just be the starting point for my futre rants about religion as I plan to go over every single one of them that I can in detail and point out flaws in some of their beliefs, but I digress. Now it seems all religions can agree on one thing "Don't belive in us and you shall suffer", now why does there have to be one true religion people? So we can conform and bow down to a /many supreme almighty being(s)? I mean if god is really as loving as every religion states why would he do this to he/she be so mean to their creations and leave them for dead at the time of the apocolypse (which I may add every religion seems to have a different view of). Ok I'm all for living your life how you want but these days you get all of these religions shoved down your throat. I mean if I wanted to become a jehovas witness i would come find your church not have you come to me when I don't really want you to to tell me about your god, whom i may add I have no interest in at all. If having to endure history during school has taught me anything the reinging religion always gets to omit its little mistakes and cover them up, for if you think about it the Crusades was just greed, not a fight for holy land as it was called, and the moors had every right to try take back there city during that time as it was theres to begin with. And then we come to another catholic church cock up which i will go into in a later rant, yes of course I speak of "THE INQUISTION"! Thats right people where the catholic church went around buring pagans (earth worsippers), witches (woman who acted out) and devil worshippers (any religion that wasn't theirs). All of these innocent people were killed so as to promote the catholic church and scare people into joining, but as I said I'll get into that in maybe even its own rant. Yes I realise I just spent most of my rant going on about Christianity/Catholocism but thats the one religion I hate with a passion. Well I'll stop this one here because my brain is telling me to leave it before I start repeating myself so remember to keep an eye out for my later blogs to see what I have to say about your religion if you have one.
Squid out
Squid out
Dancing Flame
Staring into the candle flame I see beauty
Watch it dance to and fro in the darkness
The beautious light captivating
All hidden within a destructive force controlled
Answers just waiting to be found
But the closer I get the more it hurts to find them
Burning the outside to show my truths as well
Why do we burn ourselves so when searching for the truth of things? Is it because we are blinded by our search or have to show ourselves more to earn that truth?
Watch it dance to and fro in the darkness
The beautious light captivating
All hidden within a destructive force controlled
Answers just waiting to be found
But the closer I get the more it hurts to find them
Burning the outside to show my truths as well
Why do we burn ourselves so when searching for the truth of things? Is it because we are blinded by our search or have to show ourselves more to earn that truth?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Estrogen = New Testostrone
Have you ever noticed that even though there are more females in the world testsostrone seems to be running more rampant than ever? I mean what happened to the pursuit of love people, when did it change to the pursuit of the next fuck? I mean just because its hard to find a romantic let alone a gentlemanly one these days does not mean we are dead. I swear that half the people on this earth will die bored of sex and as potent as a stunned fish is rigid. Is sex really that fucking important that we just go for it these days? Ok sure sex is a good thing but I mean your going overboard here people. Heres a little test for all of you, list all your friends and then find out how many of them are willing to have a serious relationship, and how many just want a fuck, I bet you your results will lead you to it being sex most of the time. Most people think the male race is dying out but I just reckon most of them now have tits and a vagoo instead of balls and a shaft. I must tell you people romance is not dead, if you need proof just ask for it. I mean is it really that hard to love someone, and yes i know guys you want to be free blah blah blah crap crap crap, well i must tell you that I find being there for someone and doing stuff for them and not myself more rewarding than freedom and before you call me whipped i must tell you at the time of this post I am single so how can i be whipped? I just belive in love and being there for the person you are with, call me old fashioned, call me gay even, for I don't give a fyling fuck what you say because this is my view and I will live by it. Yes I also realise this means my chances are limited in life but hey just means i won't have to look as hard as you will to try find your permamnent. Well the squid is going to go for another swim into the deep seas of insanity in search for answers so catch you all in my next rant. Squid out
Utter fucking loon?
Well it seems yet again I have found another person that finds my brand of normlness too much, and theres one major problem with it, IT WAS MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND, now ex-girlfriend of course. Am I really to crazy for people to even not think of dating, or is it just that my breed is so rare females think I am acting? I swear someone along the way has cursed me cause every time i get into a relationship it seems to crash and burn faster than George W. Bush Jr.s credability. If there is a god why does he hate me so? I mean I haven't done anyone wrong, ok yes I have homocidal thoughts very often but I have never carried them out, if I had I wouldn't be here writing this now would I? Although the thought of commiting myself because of these feelings of homocidal mania have given me thoughts of commiting myslef more than once. Is my insanity really too much too handle for one person or am I just too gentlemanly and romanticaly inclined for my own good? Yes I realize that last comment sounds like I'm tooting my own horn but its the truth. The only females I am usually not nice to are those that deserve it at the time and even then I don't take it too far; also I belive in this little thing everyone calls love. Why must I also be so nice females think of me more as a brother also, I mean come on thats the lamest excuse for not wanting to go out with me ever and you don't know how many times it has been used godamn it, its always either that, they think i'm gay or they think i am a complete loon...well ok on the last one I agree but it just means I make life interesting does it not, doesn't mean I will go out and hurt them? Ok yes I have contemplated burning down their houses and putting sulpuric acid in their eyeballs but give me some credit in the fact I haven't done so even with opportunity, but of course don't tempt me. Oh yeah thinking of going to the scuplting side of art and seeing what i can make with these hands of mine. Ah the weird visions in my mind that will come to life...but anyway I digress and I think I've wasted enough of your precious time here, so I'll leave this here and maybe pick up on this another day. The squid signing out...for now
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Insanity or just a different view?
I ahve a question for all you readers out there, what is insanity really? Is it really what everyone seems to say it is or just a different outlook on life? You could say I suffer from insanity, yet if you asked me if I do I would have to tell you I just see the world as it is, is this so wrong for me to do? Is it wrong for me to think all relegions are just power plays to make someone seem almighty? Now before you start saying "oh look another atheist trying to impress his views on people" stop, for I am not trying to do that at all. My question to you if you say thus is if there is a god why would he allow so many to be cast out like me? Because we are sinners? Well people I must tell you the only sin I have commited to your gods is not beliving in them and in the end is that really so bad? Is it really so bad that I think the mass slaughter of the inquisition is so wrong it is a sin in itself? Just because someone does not share your views does not make them a sinner or a heathen, it just makes them different, just like insanity sepreates the few from the many. But is not everyone different, whether that difference be colour creed or even as simple as gender? So why must those labeled who see differently be punished and ridiculed for there views by others. Yes i realise this may seem two faced to those un-observant but I have not said that anyone is wrong for looking for their own answers to life, I actually encourage it and if these answers seem to lie within religion for you I say go for your life trying to find it.
Well I hope I have opened the minds of at least a few of you with this little rant here and hope that a few of you can see between the lines and find solice or even just a slice of meaning from this.
This is the squid with wings signing off yet again.
Well I hope I have opened the minds of at least a few of you with this little rant here and hope that a few of you can see between the lines and find solice or even just a slice of meaning from this.
This is the squid with wings signing off yet again.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Contemplations of flying with broken wings
As I reach further and further into my mind this cold evening I keep finding more reasosn for me to smoke and calm myself down. Since the alst blog I have been dwelling on my past and all the pain I have caused others inadvertantly. Is my life cursed or am I just not good at living it.*lights up another smoke*. Should I just remove myself from the coil of life and savemany others the pain of knowing me? These late nights and the lack of my girlfriend must really be getting to me if I am contemplating like this musn't they? Or am I just loosing my mind altogether? The green faerie still plagues my dreams all these nights but only when I am outside of her arms. Each night sleep is just like falling deeper and deeper into a void of emptiness and depression, but my depression isn't like any other, my depression causes an anger to rise within me that I can not control *stubs smoke an lights another* not even my smokes are helping anymore, the only thing that seems to stop me from loosing my mind is the fear of hurting those i love and care for. I guess I'm lucky the ugliness on the inside isn't apparent on the out or I may have never have gotten the one that seems to cure these feelings witihn me.
I suppose I should stop here before I deter you from future rants so I guess I'll just light another smoke and try to make sure these feelings don't manifest themselves again as anger and pain. This is the broken winged poet saying "Live your life your way and live it proud but don't destroy your mind in the process"
I suppose I should stop here before I deter you from future rants so I guess I'll just light another smoke and try to make sure these feelings don't manifest themselves again as anger and pain. This is the broken winged poet saying "Live your life your way and live it proud but don't destroy your mind in the process"
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Human Mind
Why do some people try to figure out the mind, is it not a futile attempt in itself to try and understand the mind when you are suing your own to try and unravel it, isn't that just like trying to figure out what a stick is by poking it with another. Man has never invented anything he uses today, everything we know and think we know how it works we don't. I mean how does breathing work the way it does, how can electricity flow through a conduit and into appliances, how can we write sound to a thin line of plastic. Even those who tell you they know this are lying for no-body knows how any of these work really as it is all just a fluke that it was even found to work. For if we knew how any of this worked why would it have taken so many tries to succeed. Now all this brings me back to my starting rant of how can we understand the human mind when we live it, the best we can do is to try and understand it as best we can.
Now before I start to repeat myself and ruin my point I think I'll finish this here with me lighting another nail for my coffin and saying adieos and avoid green faeries the ooze blood from their eyes
Now before I start to repeat myself and ruin my point I think I'll finish this here with me lighting another nail for my coffin and saying adieos and avoid green faeries the ooze blood from their eyes
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