Friday, November 17, 2006

The Human Mind

Why do some people try to figure out the mind, is it not a futile attempt in itself to try and understand the mind when you are suing your own to try and unravel it, isn't that just like trying to figure out what a stick is by poking it with another. Man has never invented anything he uses today, everything we know and think we know how it works we don't. I mean how does breathing work the way it does, how can electricity flow through a conduit and into appliances, how can we write sound to a thin line of plastic. Even those who tell you they know this are lying for no-body knows how any of these work really as it is all just a fluke that it was even found to work. For if we knew how any of this worked why would it have taken so many tries to succeed. Now all this brings me back to my starting rant of how can we understand the human mind when we live it, the best we can do is to try and understand it as best we can.
Now before I start to repeat myself and ruin my point I think I'll finish this here with me lighting another nail for my coffin and saying adieos and avoid green faeries the ooze blood from their eyes

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